Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog: Archive for May, 2018

Some Unusual Causes of Clogged Drains

Monday, May 28th, 2018

“Cement? Why is there cement in my drains?”

Drain clogs are one of the unfortunate hassles of daily life. Taking care of stopped-up drains is one of the basic jobs of a professional plumber, and any licensed plumber knows how to tackle a wide range of causes for clogged and slow drains.

There are a number of drain clogs that plumbers see all the time: clots of hair caught in the p-trap of a bathroom sink, food waste in kitchen sinks, objects accidentally flushed down a toilet, and soap scum build-up in a shower drain. But most plumbers can also tell stories about super odd things causing drain clogs. Here are a few of the more off-beat and unusual reasons for drain clogs—because even these can be helpful in understanding how to avoid future clogging problems.

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How Does Hard Water Get That Way?

Monday, May 14th, 2018

water-softener-tankOne of the important services we offer to our customers is the installation of water softeners. A water softener in Mason, OH is the best way to counteract the common problem with water hardness in the area. We live in a region that has among the highest levels of water hardness in the country, from 181 to 250 milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter of water. As a comparison, water that has less than 60 mg per liter is considered “soft.”

This high concentration of hard water minerals (which also includes gypsum and magnesium) wreaks havoc on plumbing systems. The build-up of scale inside pipes causes an increase in water pressure, high incidence of leaks, and frequent clogging. Scale can also damage water-using appliances; the water heater is especially at risk. Water hardness creates nuisances inside a home, leaving a film on surfaces, causing fabrics to fade in the wash, and making it difficult to get rid of soap residue from showering and bathing.

But why does this happen? Where is this hard water coming from that makes water softeners a necessity in many homes?

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What Is Your Sewer Line Made Of?

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

sewer-line-repairThe sewer line that runs from your home’s drainage system and then out to the municipal sewer line in the center of the street is one of the essential components of your home—not just its plumbing system. You can’t have a hygienic or pleasant home if the sewer line is blocked or damaged.

If you live in an older home, you may have an aging sewer line made of outdated material. The older your house, the more likely you have a sewer line that needs to be replaced. Here are some of the outdated sewer line materials found in homes built pre-1970:

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