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Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Blog

Is There Sediment in Your Water Heater?

This might sound like a weird question, but we urge you to stick with us for just a moment. Many homeowners, including you, might have sediment in their water heaters without even realizing it. While there are various different solutions to a sediment problem in your water heater, from repair to replacement, we’ve got to address the first step—noticing there’s a problem.

Today, we’re going to go into detail about the many ways to notice if there’s sediment in your water heater. We’ll talk about why this problem can impede the effectiveness of your water heater and the science behind it. Many homeowners might be dealing with inefficient hot water heaters in Hamilton, OH that aren’t doing their jobs as well as they could be, and that’s where our team comes in!

So, we hope you’re ready for some chemistry because we’re about to get into it!

How Does Sediment Occur?

Before we look at the signs of a sediment buildup in your water heater, we’ve got to understand the process of how this sediment shows up in the first place. Your water might look clear, but it’s full of minerals. These minerals are not harmful to your health at all, but they can be difficult for your plumbing system to deal with.

While your water might contain minerals, that doesn’t necessarily prove a problem until heat enters the equation. Minerals like calcium carbonate solidify when met with alkalinity and hotter temperatures. That means the dissolved particles of calcium or magnesium begin to take shape as limescale or even lime flakes in your water!

Don’t Panic!

Before you ask, no that doesn’t mean there are sharp metal fragments in your water. If anything, the calcium or magnesium buildup just looks like a rust-colored salt deposit. That being said, it will begin to impede the effectiveness of your water heater if you’re not careful.

Notice the Signs

This is where you come in! A sediment problem in a water heater can show some obvious signs that homeowners should be looking out for. We’ve listed some of these signs below.

  • Fluctuating Water Temperatures. If your water is either too hot, lukewarm, or a combination of both, it could be from a sediment problem. The sediment impedes your water heater’s ability to keep a consistent water temperature.
  • Rising Energy Bills. The sediment in your water heater might be causing it to work harder to heat your water. This translates to more energy being consumed.
  • Less Hot Water. If you’ve got a 40-gallon tank, and 10 gallons is full of calcium carbonate that’s built up over the years (a fairly common amount), then your hot water tank is running at 3/4 it’s normal capacity. That means less hot water for you to use!
  • Rumbling or Popping Sounds. Larger quantities of sediment can displace the water, clog drains, and eventually cause a tank failure. This might be expressed in unhappy noises from your system!

If any of these points sound familiar, it’s a great idea to call one of our professionals to get your water heater flushed and back on track. A water softener might be a good investment in the future if sediment problems persist as well.

Save your water heater by contacting the professional plumbers at Ken Neyer Plumbing, Inc. Give us a call today!

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