If you are looking into having a new water heater installed for your house during the fall (and fall is a great time to have this job done), you may be considering making the change from the standard storage tank water heater to a tankless water heater. With tankless water heaters becoming more popular each year, it’s tempting to put one at the top of your list of options. But you may also feel hesitant about it. Adopting any new technology creates a sense of risk in people. Is this “miraculous” tankless water heater really going to be able to meet your home’s hot water demands while saving money?
Will a Tankless Water Heater Really Work for My Home?
September 27th, 2016My Drains Clog All the Time—What’s Wrong?
September 26th, 2016The drain clog is probably the most common plumbing annoyance that people deal with. Even with the cleanest drains in a home, clogs will still occasionally appear to make life a bit more difficult. There’s simply no way to prevent all clogging, although with regular drain cleaning and caution about what is allowed to go down a drain, you can probably keep clogs in your home to a minimum.
Water Line Dangers: Age and Outdated Materials
September 19th, 2016There are many different parts to a residential plumbing system, and all are important to some degree. One of the most crucial components is the water line, which brings fresh water into the house from the municipal system. Problems with your home’s water line can leave you without any running water at all—and that’s not a situation you can live with for more than a few hours.
Even though the water line is a vital part of a plumbing system, homeowners rarely think much about it. You probably haven’t given much consideration to your own home’s water line… and that can lead to problems as we’ll discuss below.
How to Winterize Your Hose Bibs
September 12th, 2016The change in the weather is on the way. That doesn’t mean a massive cold snap will strike during the next couple days, but now is the time to start to prepare your home for the winter. Your residential plumbing will need some maintenance to make sure that it can make it through the coldest parts of the year without damage. Rely on our expert plumbers to help you with your plumbing maintenance.
The Importance of Regular Water Heater Maintenance
September 5th, 2016The fall is a time when homeowners arrange to have regular maintenance done for their heating systems to make sure they are prepared to handle the rigors of winter. But fall maintenance isn’t only for furnaces. There are parts of a home’s plumbing that require yearly maintenance as well—most vitally, the water heater.
Is Hard Water a Serious Problem?
August 29th, 2016Hard water. A strange phrase, but one you hear more and more often regarding the water quality in homes. Hard water means water that has a higher than normal mineral content. The usual mineral culprits in hard water are magnesium and calcium. These minerals tend to enter the water supply through ground seepage into municipal pipes that carry fresh water to homes.
The Different Ways That Toilets Can Leak
August 29th, 2016Here’s a fact you may not have known: the bathroom toilet consumes a greater volume of fresh water than any other indoor household fixture. More than a third of your home’s indoor water use each month is due to flushing the toilet. This is why it’s important to deal rapidly with any toilet malfunction, such as when the toilet begins to leak. This is a major waste of water. (And it will cause damage to the floor that can in extreme cases lead to collapse.)
How the Anode Rod Protects Your Tank Water Heater from Corrosion
August 22nd, 2016For people who aren’t familiar with how storage tank water heaters work, it may seem strange that they don’t start to corrode and rust early in their service lives. After all, they’re made of metal and hold large amounts of water. Doesn’t the combination of water and metal mean the promotion of rust?
4 Ways You Can Put Our Plumbers to Work
August 15th, 2016People tend to think of hiring a plumber only when something goes wrong with the plumbing in their home. Licensed plumbers like ours are always ready to come to your assistance (24 hours a day!) to help with troubles such as burst pipes, leaky toilets, and damaged sewer lines.
Ken Neyer Plumbing and the Western & Southern Tennis Tournament
August 8th, 2016Here at Ken Neyer Plumbing, we’re a proud supporter of the Western & Southern Open, the major tennis tournament that takes place this year in Cincinnati from August 13th to the 21st. But we’re more than just supporters: for the last 15 years, we’ve partnered with Cincytennis to provide the vital commercial plumbing services that the tournament requires to be a success. According to Jim Neyer, our president, “It’s more of partnership. They [Cincytennis] rely on us to provide a great service to them, and it means a lot to us that they’ve been such as long-term customer.”